Time Table Management System in A.T.S.I. is easy and flexible. In A.T.S.I. one can effortlessly create timetable for different years/semesters and sections. Based on the start and end time of your school /colleges you can place duration of each class and system produces the timetable slots according to this rules specified.
You can preview the timetable, as this school timetable software offers the flexibility to do manual intervention including overriding some of the rules you have defined earlier in the system .You can edit, review and finalize and regulate it to meet the practical needs. After the creating a timetable you can allocate teacher/ professor and subject to the selected time slot as per your requirements.
This Feature Allows You to:
Create timetable for each class and section.
Administrator to assign the staff and subject to a particular time slot.
Administer the lunch break and other breaks as per your school rules.